Thu Ng
Hi everyone,
I have 26 fortnightly timesheets in a workbook for every staff and would
like to lock each timesheet after some days.Can you please help me to fix my
code as the follows:
Select Case s_worksheet
Case "TS1", "TS2", "TS3"
If (DateDiff("d", B12, Date) > 6) Then
s_worksheet.Unprotect "admin"
12,F6:F12,G6:G10,H6:H10,I6:I10").Locked = True
s_worksheet.Protect "admin"
End If
Case Else: End
End Select
Many thanks for you help in advance
I have 26 fortnightly timesheets in a workbook for every staff and would
like to lock each timesheet after some days.Can you please help me to fix my
code as the follows:
Select Case s_worksheet
Case "TS1", "TS2", "TS3"
If (DateDiff("d", B12, Date) > 6) Then
s_worksheet.Unprotect "admin"

s_worksheet.Protect "admin"
End If
Case Else: End
End Select
Many thanks for you help in advance