Lock range based on conditional format colour.

  • Thread starter Thread starter fishy
  • Start date Start date


I have used Dave Petersons response (pasted below) to locking ranges and this
works if I use a font but I have a spreadsheet that uses conditional
formatting that when
=(F$4>=$C$4) then the cell pattern (Cell shading) goes Red (The third colour
down on the extreme left of the standard pallet in Excel 2002).

I am trying to lock the range if any of the cells are in that particular
shade of red. I need this to run after any cell on the page is updated.

'Daves code---------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myRng = .UsedRange
..Cells.Locked = True
End With

For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If myCell.Font.ColorIndex = 5 Then
myCell.Locked = False
End If
Next myCell

End Sub
VBA can't detect cell shadings set by conditial formatting, so there is no
way to lock cells depending on their (conditional) format. However you can
use the condition (F$4>=$C$4) to modify the macro and lock all cells
fulfilling the condition.

Thanks but I am still what I would describe as a beginner, could you sketch
out an example code?
OK, only a sketch. Below macro assumes that you have selected an area in
your worksheet. When you run the macro, it will lock all cells in the
selection and unlock those that meet a condition (in this case if cell value
is >= the value in C4).

Sub TestC4()
Dim myCell As Range
Selection.Cells.Locked = True
For Each myCell In Selection
If myCell >= Range("C4") Then
myCell.Locked = False
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
Thanks but still stuck

I have a range "rows F$12:F$60" and if F4 (which is the sum of the range) is
= than the control "$C$4" then the cells format red and then I want that
range to lock. This is repeated up to column CW i.e. for range G$12:G$60 if
G$4 is >=$C$4 the range is locked, etc, etc,

Looking through some of the previous examples I imagine that I would have to
set some sort of loop for each column that increments but I dont know how.
