Windows XP Lock Computer

Jul 30, 2007
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Hi all..

Is there any reg key or policy option to hide the user & password fields while computer is locked? In Win 2000 if I lock the computer there is a window with no fields, the user/password fields appear if only the Ctrl-Alt-Del is pressed...

Thanks for understanding...
I think this should do the trick:

Log in with administrator access.
Click on Start, Control Panel, and select user accounts.
Click on Change the Way Users Log On or Off.
Click on the Box "Use the Welcome Screen" so that there is not check mark.
The Use The Welcome Screen and the Use Fast User Switching options are already disabled.
When I lock the computer using Ctrl-Alt-Del I can see the User & Password fields, in Win2000 those fields are hidden, u can see them at the next Ctrl-Alt-Del keypress, this is the thing that bothers me. I was looking for a registry key over the internet or a Policy option... nothing yet

It might be worth downloading TweakUI for WinXP and see if there is an option in there - it contains other tweaks like that and you may be lucky :)