Lock cells

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mitesh Hirani
  • Start date Start date

Mitesh Hirani

How do i lock selected cells in excel so that it can be viewed but not
Maybe changed after putting passord or something........
In 2003 and 2007 it's about the same

The basic answer is that you lock all cells then unlock the ones you wish to
be editable. The protect the worksheet.

Format cells - protection tab - tick locked - ok

then highlight all editable cells and follow the above procedure but untick
the locked box - ok

then format cells - protect sheet - create password when prompted - ok

a bonus to this is that when you want to move to the next editable cell -
hit the tab key and it will ignore the locked cells

Check out the MS help
Click on any cell and do right click>>Format Cells>>Protection>>See the Check
box Locked. If the Locked Check box consist the Tick mark then the cell is

For those cells which you don’t want to lock UNCHECK (Remove the Tick Mark
from) the Locked Checkbox.

You can Select Multiple Cells and Assign this permission. After assigning
the locked and unlocked permissions

For 2003
Click Tools>>Protection>Protect Sheet
Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+P+P

For 2007
Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+P+P

Now you will be asked to provide password twice for protecting the Sheet.
Once you have protected your worksheet then the users can not able to edit
the locked cells and they can able to edit unlocked cells only.

Until unless you protect your worksheet with a password the locked and
unlocked settings will not get activated.

Remember to Click Yes, if this post helps!