<location> element does not seem to work - Does anybody know how to solve this.




I have been struggling with this for the past couple of days. We have
a custom http module setup in our project to filter some requests. I
only want this module to be applied to certain pages. In order to try
to do this I have added the following test code in our web.config

<location path="Login.aspx">
<add type="AppTest.WebUI.RequestFilter, AppTest"
name="RequestFilter" />

However when I visit the login.aspx page the module doesn't get
executed. Note, that if I change the path to be nothing, for example:.

<location path="">
<add type="AppTest.WebUI.RequestFilter, AppTest"
name="RequestFilter" />

the module executes perfectly however it is applied to every page and
not just the login.aspx page. I have tried pretty much every
combination in the path attribute. Things like "~/login.aspx",
"AppTest/login.aspx", etc. and nothing seems to work. Has anybody
come across this issue before, specifically with trying to apply
access permissions to an httpModule. I've seen a lot of examples with
the authorization element being used, but that is about it. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

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