Locate text in range (multiple occurrences) and report other cell insame column?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ulrik.hillaert
  • Start date Start date



I rarely give up on those things, but I've been looking on this problem for ages and I don't seem to get it working.

What I basically want to do is looking op one certain text string in a range, with multiple occurences, and report for each of these occurences different values from the same column. eg the search returns as first result cell A7, and I want in that case to report cell A9, A12. If there's another place in the range, eg cell D4, where the same string occurs, I want to report D6, D9.
I hope that the attached file ( https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B72kGj3AVfwnTGtZak1IOTF4d3M )will make things clear. I start with the data in sheet1 and I want to generate an overview like in Sheet "Clint Eastwood", preferentially sorted by date, preferentially not manually as I did in this sample file :-)
I've been messing with (h)(v)lookup, index and match but don't get it to work.

I figured out how to get the different row and column numbers where my lookupvalue is situated with:



I have added in column L1:L20 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... just to add up and get thesmallest, second smallest, third smallest,... with countif

However, the main problem I have is that this approach always combines thetwo n-smallest numbers for rows and columns.
In the excel file attached, this is not a problem for the first lookup value since both the column and row numbers are the smallest in the range(row 5 and column2). However, when I come to the second values, the row number is 4, but the corresponding column value is not the second smallest number(10), but the third smallest(13). Hence, this approach leaves me with the wrong combinations (row 4 with column 10 and row 7 with column 13, while it should be row 4 with column 13, and row 7 with column


Best regards,
Dear Ron,
You hit exactly the right spot, that's what I really want to do. I didn't have a clue that VBA would do it. Your solutions looks genious to me, I'm going to try to implement it and keep you updated!

Thank you so much!!!
Best regards,
Dear Ron,
Impressive how you manage to come up with that, this is way beyond my excel skills. Thank you so much for your time and effort! I'm going to try to implement this in my spreadsheat (which is already a challenge for me :-) )
I hope I can post back to tell you that I got it to work :-)

Best regards,
Dear Ron,

I have tried to implement the code in my original worksheet, but apparently, the simplified model that I posted was too simplified for me to translateit to my original worksheet. Read : I didn't manage to implement it my original worksheet. Can I ask for your help once again?
It might be better to post my "real" spreadsheet:


Some little words of explanation:
Worksheet "Sjabloon": Based on this worksheet, the worksheets for the different stakeholders should be generated (format only)
Worksheet "Master": The names in Column "Last name" are the names used for the separate worksheets
Worksheet "Field Mapping" This is a planning worksheet. For each worksheet created based on the names in worksheet master, the corresponding data should be extracted from this worksheet.
Worksheet "Example". This is how the report should look like

As you can see, there is already vba code included to generate the separatetabs for each stakeholder, but I don't manage to "read-out" the worksheet Field mapping as you did in your example.

Hope this all makes sense?
Thank you once again!!!!
Dear Ron,

Thank you for getting back on this. The posting of a worksheet without VBA code shows my proficiency in excel...:-)
Anyway, I have uploaded a good version now.


Currently, the tabs are generated (there might be some dutch wording in thecode, sorry for that) with a button placed in the upper left corner of themaster sheet.
To answer your questions:
1) The different sheets to be generated should come from the master file. The number of names here may vary, but I have foreseen a maximum of 25 names.. This list is populated from the list tab.
2) Your assumption is correct. Using VLOOKUP functions in the sjabloon, these fields are populated based on the data in sheet Master. If there are no title fields, these will indeed be left blank
3)Calculations in C1 and D2 (other cells than in the original example here,but principle is the same)are foreseen in the Sjabloon sheet. For the first one, it just looks at the number of times "Face to face" appears in the Contact method row, combined with "yes" in the executed row. D1 sums all contact methods from the contact method row if they are executed (yes in the executed row)
4)Column A and the layout (colors, most of the borders) are described in the VBA code. The data in cells B9:E18 are generated using an array function which resides on the Sjabloon sheet. This function basically looks for cellE1 (Name) in the Field mapping sheet and populates the cells with the correct data. The example in sheet Ulrich shows the problem with this method: If I insert a stakholders name several times in the same column, my result will depict always the same data (first entry) for that stakeholder. In thisexample, you can see that C9:C18 is exactly the same as D9:D18, whereas itshould give different data for C13:C18 as you can see in the the Field Mapping sheet (column G). In addition, when I don't fill in all the fields in the Field mapping sheet (eg leave the notes row blank). All the data following the cell will shift up (eg executed data are in the notes row). This clearly shows that I should rather use VBA as you earlier suggested, but I'm not capable of translating your earlier code to my worksheet
Thanks again for all the efforts you made!!!!
I hope all of this makes sense?
Best regards,
Hello Ron,

The reason why I combine the VBA code with the template is that for some ofthe formulas, the target's cell layout is overwritten by the formula, which results in a terrible looking sheet. For that reason, I have put the layout-coding after the copying steps to ensure that it looks a bit reasonable.
I fully agree that it is much better to use VBA to get the stakeholders data, but I'm just not capable of generating the VBA code to do this (all the coding you see is copy-past result with minor adaptations towards layout: Isimply don't understand the logic of the coding). e.g. I don't even know how to start with the find.range thing you describe (but I'm gonna try anyway :-)). I let it know if I get anywhere, but I do hope you somehow find thetime to take a closer look at it.
PS sorry for the change of the template, the last one is really the definite one.
Hello Ron,

The reason why I combine the VBA code with the template is that for someof the formulas, the target's cell layout is overwritten by the formula, which results in a terrible looking sheet. For that reason, I have put the layout-coding after the copying steps to ensure that it looks a bit reasonable.
I fully agree that it is much better to use VBA to get the stakeholders data, but I'm just not capable of generating the VBA code to do this (all the coding you see is copy-past result with minor adaptations towards layout: I simply don't understand the logic of the coding). e.g. I don't even know how to start with the find.range thing you describe (but I'm gonna try anyway :-)). I let it know if I get anywhere, but I do hope you somehow find the time to take a closer look at it.

PS sorry for the change of the template, the last one is really the definite one.

OK, given the accuracy of your last example, the following seems to do a lot of what you want.

Obviously, run this on a copy.

I do not use the "button code" at all, but generate and format each worksheet "on the fly".

See what you think.

If you are going to move things around on the template, or on other sheets, it may require some coding changes.


Option Explicit

Sub StakeholderWorksheets()

Dim colStakeholders As Collection

Dim wsTemplate As Worksheet

Dim wsMaster As Worksheet

Dim c As Range, r As Range, r2 As Range

Dim sStkHldr As String

Dim sFirstAddress

Dim sHospital As String

Dim vKOL As Variant, vRes() As Variant

Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long

Dim lImportantActionsCount As Long

Const lNumActions As Long = 10

'Items to map to stakeholder sheet

Dim aMapping As Variant

aMapping = Array("", "Event Description", "Internal Event Lead", "Event Date", "Important Action", "Due Date", "Internal Lead", "Contact Method", "Notes", "Executed")

'get unique list of Stakeholders

'based on Last Name on Master Sheet

'If there are duplicate last names, they will be merged

'If this needs to be checked, must alter code

'Find Last Name column

Set wsMaster = Worksheets("Master")

With wsMaster.Cells

Set c = .Find(what:="Last Name*", after:=[a1], LookIn:=xlValues, _

lookat:=xlWhole, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlNext, _


If c Is Nothing Then

MsgBox ("No Last Name column on worksheet: " & wsMaster.Name)

Exit Sub

End If

'Generate list of Unique Last Names

'could sort them if you want, otherwise will be in order as on Masster

Set r = Range(c.Offset(rowoffset:=1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, c.Column).End(xlUp))

Set colStakeholders = New Collection

On Error Resume Next

For Each c In r

If Len(Trim(c.Text)) > 0 Then colStakeholders.Add Item:=c.Text, Key:=c.Text

Next c

On Error GoTo 0

End With

'Generate worksheets for each Stakeholder

'If worksheet already present, delete it and create new one

'Will use Sjabloon but remove all the formulas

'Should probably have Sjabloon as a hidden worksheet

'or Generate this differently

Set wsTemplate = Worksheets("Sjabloon")

On Error Resume Next


On Error GoTo 0

For i = 1 To colStakeholders.Count

'Is worksheet already present?

sStkHldr = colStakeholders(i)

On Error Resume Next

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

On Error GoTo 0

wsTemplate.Copy after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

ActiveSheet.Name = sStkHldr

'get KOL, Institution

Set c = r.Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(sStkHldr, r, 0), 1)

With c

.Offset(columnoffset:=-2).Resize(columnsize:=4).Copy _


With Worksheets(sStkHldr).Range("C1", "F1")

.Font.Bold = True

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

End With

.Offset(columnoffset:=5).Cells(1).Copy _


With Worksheets(sStkHldr).Range("C2")

.Font.Bold = True

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

End With

End With

Application.CutCopyMode = False

'see if listed as stakeholder on Field Mapping sheet

'first find rows titled "Stakeholder"

'these will be repeated every 7th row for the number of actions

' on Field Mapping sheet

With Worksheets("Field Mapping").Cells

Set r2 = .Columns(1).Find(what:="Stakeholder", after:=.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, _

lookat:=xlWhole, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlNext)

Set r2 = .Range(r2, .Cells(r2.Row, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))

For l = 1 To lNumActions - 1

Set r2 = Union(r2, r2.Rows(1).Offset(rowoffset:=7 * l))

Next l

End With

With r2

Set c = .Find(what:=sStkHldr, after:=r2(1), LookIn:=xlValues, _

lookat:=xlWhole, searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlNext, _


If Not c Is Nothing Then 'At least one entry for this stakeholder

sFirstAddress = c.Address

ReDim vRes(0 To UBound(aMapping), 0 To 0)

'Labels Column

For j = 0 To UBound(aMapping)

vRes(j, 0) = aMapping(j)

Next j


k = UBound(vRes, 2) + 1

ReDim Preserve vRes(0 To UBound(aMapping), 0 To k)

'Top 4 rows come from rows 4-7 on Field Mapping

With .Worksheet

For l = 0 To 3

vRes(l, k) = .Cells(l + 4, c.Column)

Next l

'will hard code relationships but, if these may change, could use .Find

For l = 4 To UBound(aMapping)

Select Case l

Case 4 To 6

vRes(l, k) = .Cells(c.Row + l - 7, c.Column)

Case Else

vRes(l, k) = .Cells(c.Row + l - 6, c.Column)

End Select

Next l

End With

Set c = .FindNext(c)

Loop While c.Address <> sFirstAddress

With Worksheets(sStkHldr).Range(Cells(9, 1), Cells(9 + UBound(vRes, 1), 1 + UBound(vRes, 2)))

.Cells = vRes

'Results Sorting Routine

'Be very careful with any changes

'presently sorts by event date only


.Worksheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=.Rows(4), _

SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal

.Worksheet.Sort.SetRange .Cells.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Resize(columnsize:=.Cells.Columns.Count - 1)

With .Worksheet.Sort

.Header = xlNo

.MatchCase = False

.Orientation = xlLeftToRight

.SortMethod = xlPinYin


End With

'End sorting routine

'Apply the various formats -- color, borders, etc here

.Columns(1).Interior.Color = 16733081

Range(.Rows(1), .Rows(4)).Interior.Color = 16733081

.Range(Cells(RowIndex:=5, columnindex:=2), Cells(RowIndex:=..Rows.Count, columnindex:=.Columns.Count)).Interior.Color = 10213316

.Cells.Font.Bold = True

'Alignment and autofit should be done last

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter


End With

End If

End With

'Number of Visits & Number of Calls

With WorksheetFunction

Range("c3") = .CountIfs([16:16], "Face to Face", [18:18], "yes")

Range("c4") = .CountIfs([16:16], "Face to Face", [18:18], "yes") + ..CountIfs([16:16], "Telephone", [18:18], "yes") + .CountIfs([16:16], "Email", [18:18], "yes") + .CountIfs([16:16], "Fax", [18:18], "yes")

End With

Next i

End Sub


You're just a genious, I just don't see how you can come up with this...
Gonna paste it into my workbook and try to understand what it does. I'll keep you informed!!!

Best regards,
Hello Ron,

I pasted the code in the spreadsheet, but I seem to run into "runtime" errors (code 400 showing up, no debugging option, only ok to choose). The macroseems to stop after the addition of the third sheet. I tried different changes, but couldn't get it to work
1) put some data in cell B8 because it's the first empty cell in that column, but didn't change anything
2) removed the three top lines from the feeld mapping sheet (since they're only name suggestions, not really necessary) but that didn't change the outcome
3) changed the stakeholders name in the planning sheet to the last name in the row (since i thought the issue might be in reading out the planning sheet) but this didn't change either.
Kinda run out of options. I'm going to try to continue, but if you can easily come up with a solution: feel welcome :-)
Best regards,
Hello Ron,

I pasted the code in the spreadsheet, but I seem to run into "runtime" errors (code 400 showing up, no debugging option, only ok to choose). The macroseems to stop after the addition of the third sheet. I tried different changes, but couldn't get it to work
1) put some data in cell B8 because it's the first empty cell in that column, but didn't change anything
2) removed the three top lines from the feeld mapping sheet (since they're only name suggestions, not really necessary) but that didn't change the outcome
3) changed the stakeholders name in the planning sheet to the last name in the row (since i thought the issue might be in reading out the planning sheet) but this didn't change either.
Kinda run out of options. I'm going to try to continue, but if you can easily come up with a solution: feel welcome :-)
Best regards,
PS no idea why that "Tribiani" line was hidden, this was definitely not meant to be like that
Haha, I'm delirious, this really works!!!!
I think that I've demonstrated my noob status above. What I simply did was right clicking the master sheet and choose view code and next paste everything into the master sheet....
I don't know how to thank you!!!
Best regards,
Haha, I'm delirious, this really works!!!! I think that I've demonstratedmy noob status above. What I simply did was right clicking the master sheet and choose view code and next paste everything into the master sheet.... I don't know how to thank you!!! Best regards, Ulrik

Dear Ron,

Just wanted to add that I tried it on my "real" worksheet and it works perfectly as well.
For all the guys out there reading this post: "he's the man!"
Coming back to my own knowlegde on VBA. I don't think that I'll ever be able to reach the level of knowledge that you have, but it frustrates me endlessly that I have to bother others to get to these solutions. Luckily, thereare people like you willing to spend their time helping out noobs like me.The only disadvantage on this journey is that I have only learned one thing: I don't know shit about it. So here's my last question: Where do I start? Do you have a good reference to a book or e-learning course where I couldget the basics?
Once again, many thanks and I hope that I'll never have to bother you again!
Best wishes,