Samudrala Pradeep
Dear Sir,
I am working as a network admin in Ashokleyland...
My Issue:
I had set local security policy "logon locally" for some
users...but whenI try to logon with some other users its
logging in...and logon loaclly I had given for 2 users...
So, i set the policy "Deny logon locally" for "everyone".
So its not logging in with any user now....Pls guide me
through this...
thanx and regs,
Pradeep S
I am working as a network admin in Ashokleyland...
My Issue:
I had set local security policy "logon locally" for some
users...but whenI try to logon with some other users its
logging in...and logon loaclly I had given for 2 users...
So, i set the policy "Deny logon locally" for "everyone".
So its not logging in with any user now....Pls guide me
through this...
thanx and regs,
Pradeep S