A domain policy was inadvertanly applied denying local
logon to anyone but the specified user in the policy.
This was corrected and those connected to the LAN were
able to logon after the correction.
A remote user dials in via VPN, receives the incorrectly
configured policy and then disconnects. The user than
logs off/restarts the laptop and is now unable to log in.
Remote user...meaning this person is not on a LAN where he
can receive an updated policy which would correct the
login issue.
As a remote user who can't log on, even via Safe Mode,
what options are there to be had in correcting the mis-
applied policy?
Login via-dialup isn't an option for this user.
Any information leading to a solution is appreciated.
logon to anyone but the specified user in the policy.
This was corrected and those connected to the LAN were
able to logon after the correction.
A remote user dials in via VPN, receives the incorrectly
configured policy and then disconnects. The user than
logs off/restarts the laptop and is now unable to log in.
Remote user...meaning this person is not on a LAN where he
can receive an updated policy which would correct the
login issue.
As a remote user who can't log on, even via Safe Mode,
what options are there to be had in correcting the mis-
applied policy?
Login via-dialup isn't an option for this user.
Any information leading to a solution is appreciated.