- Are there any best practices as how to name the local account?
- When creating a local user I suppose its not the purpose to make this user a
member of the Administrators group?
- In a company I used to work for I saw they renamed the local
Administrator user into localadmin, is this also good practice? Or isn't it
necessary to rename the local Administrator user, of course when using strong
- when creating a local user, should this user also have access to POP3 email
or exchange via Outlook, or should only the domain user have this email
- When creating a local user I suppose its not the purpose to make this user a
member of the Administrators group?
- In a company I used to work for I saw they renamed the local
Administrator user into localadmin, is this also good practice? Or isn't it
necessary to rename the local Administrator user, of course when using strong
- when creating a local user, should this user also have access to POP3 email
or exchange via Outlook, or should only the domain user have this email