Loads of buttons on a mouse!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt
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Good Day,

I have been looking for a mouse that has buttons all over
it! I am currently using an intellimouse explorer 3 with
Right click, left click, scroll, scroll click, and two
programmable buttons for the thumb. When using the mouse
the pinky finger does nothing! Even with two buttons for
the thumb there is room for 3 or even 4, and with the
pinky 3 or 4 more. I have yet to find a "standard" mouse
with loads of extra buttons on it, I know for a fact if
there was such a mouse my office would be full of them.

Thank you,
I am not joking! I would seriously like a mouse with MORE
buttons, not to the extreme that it cannot be moved. I
agree it would be dificult to us the pinky finger but one
could get used to it. If not just a mouse with 4 buttons
for the thumb.
Matt said:
Good Day,
I have been looking for a mouse that has buttons all over
it! I am currently using an intellimouse explorer 3 with
Right click, left click, scroll, scroll click, and two
programmable buttons for the thumb. When using the mouse
the pinky finger does nothing! Even with two buttons for
the thumb there is room for 3 or even 4, and with the
pinky 3 or 4 more. I have yet to find a "standard" mouse
with loads of extra buttons on it, I know for a fact if
there was such a mouse my office would be full of them.

This isn't a recommendation to use ebay to buy anything, but I've seen
some of the damnest looking computer mice listed. You might get some
ideas by seeing what is offered.

(I'm a keyboard person, myself. Lots of keys there.)
Yes, I'm building a mouse just like that. The whole thing is covered in
buttons. There are so many buttons that you can't even move the mouse
without accidentally hitting a button. I sell you the prototype for $3,500.

Note, if you actually believe this and are dumb enough to send money, then
you agree that I can keep your money without actually sending you anything
since you are to stupid to have that much money in the first place.

Seriously though, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a
serious answer even though I don't think it was a serious question...
I have never seen a mouse like what you describe. I don't believe anyone
makes a mouse like that. Typically, there are very few people who have
enough dexterity in their "pinky" to operate buttons on a mouse if there
were some placed in that position.

My Intellimouse Optical is a four button mouse - the right and left
buttons on the top, with the scroll wheel in between. There is also a
button on the left side for my thumb, and one on the right side for my
PINKY. Yes, I guess I'm just a freak of nature that has enough
dexterity in my pinky to use a button that sits right where my pinky
is when I'm using the mouse.
"Typically, there are very few people who have
enough dexterity in their "pinky" to operate buttons on a mouse if there
were some placed in that position."
Apparently, you don't play a stringed musical instrument, i.e. the
guitar. ;-) Would you like to pinky wrestle?
If I'm not mistaken, that version didn't sell very well so they changed the
design to make both the "back" and "forward" buttons sit under the thumb. I
guess even when given the option, most people don't like pinky buttons.

They sell well enough that I still see them on shelves, from Texas to
Washington DC. I have several friends that have bought the same mouse
I use over the last couple of months.
Oh no...I've apparantly pissed off the two people that actually use their
pinkys. I must retract my comment. ;-)

I wish I had your life. It would be great if the only thing I had to
complain about was someone who made a comment about pinkies (is the plural
of pinky spelled with a 'ys' or an 'ies'?).

All joking aside.... I still stand by my comment. The majority of people
don't really use their pinkies all that much. If you took 100 random people
and stuck them in a room, how many do you think would play the guitar? Any
other musical instrument? Actually use the correct fingers to type? Are
championship "pinky wrestlers"? I would bet that the combined number of
people that use their pinkies reguarly would be less than 20.
I am not upset, just making observations. I still like my two button,
wheel mouse.
Oh no...I've apparantly pissed off the two people that actually use their
pinkys. I must retract my comment. ;-)

I wish I had your life. It would be great if the only thing I had to
complain about was someone who made a comment about pinkies (is the plural
of pinky spelled with a 'ys' or an 'ies'?).

All joking aside.... I still stand by my comment. The majority of people
don't really use their pinkies all that much. If you took 100 random people
and stuck them in a room, how many do you think would play the guitar? Any
other musical instrument? Actually use the correct fingers to type? Are
championship "pinky wrestlers"? I would bet that the combined number of
people that use their pinkies reguarly would be less than 20.

Hey now, you haven't pissed anybody off. However, I bet if both of
your pinkies got cut off you'd find out just how much you do use them
in every day activities.