Just over the past couple of days, my computer seems to
be taking ages to load the personal settings. It's a very
noticeable change and quite annoying. The only thing I
have been doing is trying to get games to work. I
downloaded the latest video card driver which seemed
faulty and had to roll back. The computer wizard says it
can't find a newer/better version than the one I have and
I don't even know if this is the problem! Everything else
seems to be working fine once it's up and running - any
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers, Tina
be taking ages to load the personal settings. It's a very
noticeable change and quite annoying. The only thing I
have been doing is trying to get games to work. I
downloaded the latest video card driver which seemed
faulty and had to roll back. The computer wizard says it
can't find a newer/better version than the one I have and
I don't even know if this is the problem! Everything else
seems to be working fine once it's up and running - any
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers, Tina