Doug said:
Trying to load DOS program Manage Your Money V8. Have
install diskettes. When install on RUN, program screen
fills about 1/5th of display. Can't figure out how to
expand program screen to fill display. Any old timers
out there who can help? Thanks
Hello Doug,
LOL .... there's a fair share of "old timers" here. <vbg>
Bring up Help and Support (from the XP menus). Search on "create custom startup files for an MS-DOS-based program".
Try these methods.
(1) While in command prompt session, press ALT+Enter keys.
That always gets a Full Screen. To toggle back, repeat keypresses ALT+Enter.
(2) In your program's shortcut properties, you can drill down and specify Full Screen. (shortcut/properties/ Screen tab/Full screen).
In case none of these provide success---
(3) when you have the command prompt 'up'--right-click on the title bar of the Command window (or
press ALT+SPACEBAR+P) , and select Properties. (That's properties for the Command prompt environment.)
Then take notes and do some tests. In Options tab, you can select Full screen.
In the layout tab, you can modify the window size.