Loading data of a excel sheet or excel sheet format in Rich TextBox Control




I want to load the data of a excel sheet or in the exact excel
sheet format into a Rich TextBox control.

I have already worked with loading WORD into a Rich TextBox. It is
working fine.; But it is taking long time for our need. So we thoguht,
we can find another better solution rather than that.

Can anyone help me to find out how to load a excel sheet or in the
exact format data into a RIch TextBox control ?

Can u please give me another good solution for my requirement ?

Thanks in Advance !

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


you can use OleDb to read an excel sheet. I can send you the code if you
need it but it should be trivial to find.

How you want to have it displayed in the RTB?


Hi Machin,

Thanks for your reply !

I have the data in a DataTable. I have done already using creatng
Word table and loaded into RTB. But this is raising a performance
issue. So that i want to move to a better solution.

I can convert to excel sheet and read that..But my problem is how to
load the excel data in RTB (as Table format - in visual) ?

Thanks again !

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Humm, I don't think that the RTB is the best control for this, what about
using a ListView in details mode or even a datagrid?
It would be trivial using a datagrid and bind it at runtime to the dataset,
you will have the columns generated for you.

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