Loading Contents of an Array to Clipboard

  • Thread starter Thread starter Atley
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I am trying to copy the contents of an Array to the Clipboard in order to
paste the information to another application.

Does anyone here know of the API I would need to use to access it, I cannot
find it anywhere.

Also I need an example of how to utilize this API in VB.net 2003. I have
been having a little trouble so far.

Thank you
Yea, but then I have to include that whole thing with my app when I just
need one tiny ability from it, wouldn't make more sense to code the API call
mysllf and save the users the overhead. I know that it is not much
overhead, but my boss is pretty particular about using third party

I really need to find some documentation and/or an example of the Clipboard
API in VB.net for the CF.

If there is something I have missed in this issue, please feel free to point
it out to me...
Well, since all OpenNETCF.org libraries come with the source and are totally
free, there's no reason to "fear" the 3rd party nature of it. You can use
any part you want, so you can always trim it down to your needs if size is
an issue.

Chris Tacke, eMVP
Co-Founder and Advisory Board Member
Windows CE Product Manager
Applied Data Systems
So It is okay if I take out just the code from the source for the clipboard?

What do I have to do about licensing?
You can extract whatever you want. As for licensing take a look at the EULA
for details, but basically you can use it for whatever you want without
having to pay a royalty, without having to publish your code and without
having to add anything to your own license. Really the only restriction we
have is that you can't simply take our code, compile it and sell it - your
use must bring some intrinsic value to the equation.

Thank you very much....

I am having a problem with the code,

It says that i have to use the OpenNETCF WInAPI...

Is there any way I can just take what I need out of both of these sources
and go from there?

Is there not an easier way to just connect to the API and use the functions
of the Clipboard?

I also do not use C# so I am having to convert this all to VB... Any
suggestions to help with that.

Thanks so much for your help.
The WinAPI is where the P/Invoke declarations reside. You can use them
directly if you want, the Clipboard class simply provides an object model
equivalent to the desktop. As for converting it to VB, I'd recommend either
getting a working knowledge of C# or trying a C# to VB converter.
Yea, I will learn C#, but 90% of the app is already written in VB and I
think that it is better to continue than to rewrite the whole thing for this
one function.

I have a bare working knowledge of C#, but I am having a bit of trouble with
the #Region Clipboard P/Invokes, I am not having much luck converting some
of those.

Do I need all of the Sealed Class Core, or is there some smaller part of it
I can use?

As far as I can see I just need the Memory API's out of Core and the

That is still an awful lot of code to use to call one API, god this stuff is
cumbersome compared to earlier versions of VB... I would rather do this in
Version 3 or 4 than this... it was far less code to do the same thing.