So what's your particular question? The newsgroup interface you are using
apparently does not quote earlier messages in the thread, making your latest
message so short on detail that you risk not getting the answer you're
looking for. Please take the time to quote the original message.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
snewman7 said:
sort of, we use a customized appointment form to book our sales staff
appointments. These are usually one time appointments. What i would liek is
to be able to build a contact list of all customers that we have booked an
appointment with. I need to save the contact information then show an
appointment in the calendeer using that info. i have to fiqure out how to
pull their address information from the contact form into the location field
of the appointment form also.