I see you are ignoring the comment about spaces in file/pathnames.
Here are the stats for that page -
Global Statistics
Total HTTP Requests: 6
Total Size: 13640 bytes
Object Size Totals
Object type Size (bytes)
HTML: 9344
HTML Images: 4296
CSS Images: 0
Total Images: 4296
Javascript: 0
CSS: 0
Multimedia: 0
Other: 0
External Objects
External Object QTY
Total HTML: 1
Total HTML Images: 5
Total CSS Images: 0
Total Images: 5
Total Scripts: 0
Total CSS imports: 0
Total Frames: 0
Total Iframes: 0
Download Times*
Connection Rate Download Time
14.4K 10.57 seconds
28.8K 5.29 seconds
33.6K 4.53 seconds
56K 2.72 seconds
ISDN 128K 0.83 seconds
T1 1.44Mbps 0.07 seconds
MVP FrontPage
thanks for your response.
I have changed the second file that I stripped down to bare bones, took
off the picture and renamed it without spaces. It still shows only 7
sec over 28.8 on the normal view of the web page in FP but in the
reports view it shows as a slow page with 33 seconds. I have removed
all the extras like borders, java script etc. etc. What is causing the
high load time in report view?
http://www.t-shirt-barn.com/Ordering Files/A860Gstrippeddown.htm
Regarding the scrolling, I also removed the main frame. If you look at
the original page it is framed to 780 pixels wide.
Is there something in the html that is causing the page to load
Your first linked page -
Global Statistics
Total HTTP Requests: 13
Total Size: 39967 bytes
Object Size Totals
Object type Size (bytes)
HTML: 9733
HTML Images: 11943
CSS Images: 0
Total Images: 11943
Javascript: 17677
CSS: 614
Multimedia: 0
Other: 0
External Objects
External Object QTY
Total HTML: 1
Total HTML Images: 8
Total CSS Images: 0
Total Images: 8
Total Scripts: 3
Total CSS imports: 1
Total Frames: 0
Total Iframes: 0
Your second linked page returns no results - most likely because of
the spaces in the filenames.
39K total weight is not worth getting exercised over.
But your page is too wide for my browser on a 1280x1024 screen meaning
that I need to scroll both horizontally and vertically.
MVP FrontPage
thanks Stefan, for your reply. I understand that but there is such a
big difference. I have stripped one file down to bare bones and it
still records 36 on the slow page report. I will give you two files,
one the original with included content etc. and one I stripped down.
Can you see what is causing the problem for me on the stripped down
file. ( Many of my pages are like this)
thanks so much,
http://www.t-shirt-barn.com/Ordering Files/A860G.htm
http://www.t-shirt-barn.com/Ordering Files/A860G stripped down.htm
Because the Design view doesn't take into account any included pages
or shared borders or nav bots
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| Hi there,
| Just wondering why at the bottom of my web page in Front Page it
states load
| time as 12 sec. over 28.8 but in the reports page it shows up in
the slow
| pages at 39.
| Which is correct?
| thanks for your time,
| Barb