Does this AcroPDF.dll have a viewer in the code base? If not, you have a
couple of options.
1. Pop up a PDF file. This is not exactly a "viewer", but if the person has
downloaded the latest Acrobat (9.x), he will get the viewer control in his
browser. And, it will leave your site open. The method of "popping up" a PDF
is using the PDF library to create the file and aiming the browser at it.
2. Add an IFrame to the page and display the PDF file there. You will create
an ASPX page that calls the PDF control and outputs the document. This is
Mark's suggestion.
3. Create the PDF as a streamed document and use David's suggestion. Unlike
Excel or XML, PDF is a bit more complex in this regard, so I am not sure it
will work. Perhaps AcroPDF overcomes this?
Without an understanding of AcroPDF and your meaning of loading PDF pages.
Gregory A. Beamer
Think outside the box!