Dian Myshkov
Hi there ,
Can anyone show me a solution for this situation.
I've MDI Application.I have set MainForm property mdiparent to true;
If I click a given button I load MDI child form .There is one more control
(or form am not sure yet) which I want to "associate" with given MDI child
form and when that given child form is activated that control(or form) to
dock - say left (like toolbox in VS .Net) .When change MDI child Form that
dock to filled with correct control(or form)
Can anyone show me a solution for this situation.
I've MDI Application.I have set MainForm property mdiparent to true;
If I click a given button I load MDI child form .There is one more control
(or form am not sure yet) which I want to "associate" with given MDI child
form and when that given child form is activated that control(or form) to
dock - say left (like toolbox in VS .Net) .When change MDI child Form that
dock to filled with correct control(or form)