Load Docked Control When MDI Child Form is Loaded

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dian Myshkov
  • Start date Start date

Dian Myshkov

Hi there ,
Can anyone show me a solution for this situation.
I've MDI Application.I have set MainForm property mdiparent to true;
If I click a given button I load MDI child form .There is one more control
(or form am not sure yet) which I want to "associate" with given MDI child
form and when that given child form is activated that control(or form) to
dock - say left (like toolbox in VS .Net) .When change MDI child Form that
dock to filled with correct control(or form)

1. You can put a control on the mdi window and dock it
to the side.
2. Whenever you change child windows, the mdi window will
receive an MdiChildActivate event. When this event comes
in you can change the control (step1) that is docked to
the side of the mdi window.