Chris said:
Hi. I'm using a table adapter to load a table of 45,000 items, is
taking 18 seconds, which is waaaay too slow, esp. since this will
grow to many times that size very quickly.
I'm currently using a TableAdapeter. Is there a quicker way to load
a dataset?
I can fetch 50,000 rows with 12 columns of random data with ints,
int16's, strings and guids into a datatable in roughly 5.56 seconds
(average over 10 runs) and the same rows in 50,000 entity objects in
roughly 6.0 seconds (average over 10 runs), so you've to provide more
For example: what database type are you fetching data from? And, does
your resultset have many many columns and for example blob /clob
(text/image) fields?
My datatable code uses a simple sqldataadapter, which IMHO is the
tableadapter's way to fetch data as well.
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