.lnk file in Works



I need to help a customer with a problem using Works.
His original machine had Windows 98 and he was using
Works. He then bought a new computer with XP. He copied
the Works files with a .lnk file extension (I suppose
used his short cuts), onto a CD. The data was copied
onto the new hard drive in XP. The computer can't open
the files. It says the link can not be established.
Does that mean he actually did not copy any data and he
data still resides on the old hard drive on the 98
machine? Or...how can he change the file extension so
that it will open in XP?

Thanks very much.


..INK files are shortcuts. Looks like he only copied the shortcuts and not
the actual files themselves.
Also note: if the files are indeed works files then you will need works on
the new computer in order to open them.

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