hi what are the protocols that are responsible in vista(IPv6) for a computer
to visible in network neighbourhood (Network).
to visible in network neighbourhood (Network).
hi what are the protocols that are responsible in vista(IPv6) for a computer
to visible in network neighbourhood (Network).
we have provided ipv6 support for SMB protocol for a device. all the
operations such as file share,etc are working with ipv6. but still our device
is not visible in ipv6 network neighbourhood. where as it is visible in
network neighbourhood with ipv4 enabled and ipv6 disabled. when we capture
packets between two vista machines, we found some LLMNR packets and a few
packets multicasted to ff02::c on to port 3702 has been observed. our device
supports LLMNR too. can you tell me what is the new protocol that Microsoft
has introduced in ipv6 for a device to visible in network neighbour hood.
we have provided ipv6 support for our network printer. it supports SMB
protocol too. the problem is when ipv6 is enabled and ipv4 disabled. our
printer is not visible in network neighbour hood of vista machine. i just
want to know what are the protocols in ipv6 required for a printer/device to
visible in network. in case of IPv4 it will be taken by NBNS if im not wrong.