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I have encounter a problem,
My video card :Nvidia geforce go 6100 and the driver version
the error Description
A problem with your video hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2057

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)

Extra information about the problem
BCCode: 117
BCP1: 931EA8A0
BCP2: 88DC5E40
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
Server information: 04d29997-5515-4ac3-b109-ec07437a2b8f
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2057

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)

Extra information about the problem
BCCode: 117
BCP1: 84BA2F38
BCP2: 885C5E40
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
Server information: f1b74a74-e8ee-4410-8245-3e13ab8e067d
Have you tried a Google Search and also have you tried to update the drivers
to the latest?
I am so glad you posted this. Last week my Dell M1330 (after working fine for
6 months) started to freeze randomly, then the screen goes black,. Once this
happened, I would have to press the power button to first turn the machine
off, wait then press the power button to turn the machine on. However,
instead of re-booting the laptop screen would put of vertical lines of all
different colors and a smudge pattern across the screen. One out of ten times
the computer would manage to re-boot. The other nine times, I would have to
power down, and try again, often 15 times in a row before the machine would
boot up VISTA.

After spending considerable time on the events log (when the computer was
running) I noticed an error nvlddmkm - display driver stopped responding.

I spent a day on the phone with Dell and they assured me it was a software
problem and I would have to wait till Microsoft put out a fix. After going
over all the diagnostics tests, even ran the long 2 hour full test, they all
passed. The gfx card has never installed properly on the laptop, and when I
try to install the latest driver, I get a warning saying, "VISTA has not been
detected, driver will not install". I get this error message from both the
Dell driver downloads and the NVidia driver downloads. This computer only
runs VISTA.

Since Dell assured me that my problems were software issues, I made sure all
my driver updates and VISTA updates were current from the Dell website and
Microsoft website, and any other update that I could see necessary, only the
NVidia driver and the BIOS flash (too scared to do in case the computer
freezes while doing it) were done. This did NOT fix anything.

I have gone through and uninstalled drivers, in an attempt to get back to
the date where the computer was working, even though the log indicated no
updates had happened since the first crash. This did NOT change anything.

If my problems are due to overheating, how do I know if it has damaged the
How do I convince Dell that this is a hardware problem (since it passed all
the hardware tests) and not a driver problem (if it is)?

Dell XPS M1330
VISTA Home Premium
Intel(R) Core 2Duo Processor T7100
NVidia 8400M GS
4GB (2x2048MB) 667 MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM

This issue is a hardware issue and most likely it is your Corsair RAM modules that are causing it. Replace your Corsair ram modules with some others that you have hanging around or borrow other ones and test. You will find that the issue will be gone completely or changed. 4GB is good but try 2 and see if it will take also