In a general module:
Public Sub AdjustList(cbox As MSForms.ComboBox)
Dim cbox1 As MSForms.ComboBox
Dim obj As OLEObject
Dim idex As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
If bBlockEvents Then Exit Sub
bBlockEvents = True
idex = cbox.ListIndex
If idex <> -1 Then
For Each obj In Worksheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects
If TypeOf obj.Object Is MSForms.ComboBox Then
Set cbox1 = obj.Object
cbox1.ListIndex = -1
cbox1.Value = ""
cbox1.RemoveItem idex
End If
End If
bBlockEvents = False
End Sub
in the sheet module of the sheet with the comboboxes:
Private Sub Combobox1_Click()
If bBlockEvents Then Exit Sub
AdjustList ComboBox1
End Sub
Private Sub Combobox2_Click()
If bBlockEvents Then Exit Sub
AdjustList ComboBox2
End Sub
Private Sub Combobox3_Click()
If bBlockEvents Then Exit Sub
AdjustList ComboBox3
End Sub
' one event for each combobox
In the Thisworkbook Module
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
bBlockEvents = True
bBlockEvents = False
End Sub
Each time you open the workbook, the lists will be re intialized and include
what is in columns A, B, C.
Tom Ogilvy
Robert Couchman said:
Hi Tom,
the information needed is as follows,
if it is possible reference from column "A" (but needs to
be hidden)=>
first name from column "B"==>
last name from column "C"==<END>
Yes, i mean all comboboxes need to share the same list!
(if this is possible)
Yes, the data needs to be deleted off of the list,
BUT, NO the data does not need deleting from workbook!
i believe these are activeX comboboxes (the ones used in
VB as a standard combobox button).
Thank you,
Robert Couchman