Little Red Flags

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Is there a way to have a .bmp or other image file display if a particular
choice is chosen from a drop down list? i am wanting to have a red flag show
on loads that have only been partially invoice or blue ones for Hazmat loads.

Why not look at some of the pictorial "fonts" available to Access like
WingDings or WebDings. You probably have those fonts installed...

For example, type the letter "O" and make the font Webdings and you'll
get a little flag, and by changing the font size, you can make the flag
bigger or smaller, and you can change the forecolor according to your

Al Camp
I liked that idea so much, I couldn't resist having a go at implementing it

Private Sub cboTest_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Select Case Me.cboTest
Case "one"
Me.lblTest.ForeColor = vbRed
Me.lblTest.Visible = True
Case "two"
Me.lblTest.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.lblTest.Visible = True
Case Else
Me.lblTest.Visible = False
End Select

End Sub

.... where 'cboTest' is the combo box and 'lblTest' is a label with the
letter 'O' as it's caption and the font set to WingDings. (I think you meant
WingDings, Al? When I tried WebDings, I got a picture of an ear! :-)

Code similar to the above would also be required in the Form_Current event