Little gadgets?

Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know where i can get a webpage visited counter to download onto my desktop. Me last pc had one and i got used to having it. Looked all over the net but couldnt find any.....any ideas??
:nod: Zzzzz
Do you mean one that you can add to a website, but you can see it on your desktop too? I've not heard of that, but I'll have a look :)

:bow: Thanks for your reply Ian.
One which counts your web visitors and shows on your desktop is a great idea but, no i dont want anything that complicated. My last laptop had a web page counter for all the different web pages i visited for any given surf session.
It was part of the browswer and i'm not sure how it got there. As for me having my own website, not in my foreseeable lifetime..It would be above my station to say the least LOL
Thanks again
:lol: Zzzzz
I know you can code stat counters into your site that report to your desktop, but haven't seen anything specific to count your own web-usage. When you say it was part of your browser, have you tried checking the widget/addon sections of your browser's website?
i.e. Firefox lists a number of addons you can get for it. There are also loads more from various designers which you can add. IE, Opera and all the others probably have something similar.

I imagine you can also get a small utility for personal usage stats on your pc. Similar to those which tell you temp and cpu cycle, you can get them where they give you in-depth details about specific softwares.

Hope that helps
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Thanks for the help lads. I will keep searching cos i know these things are out there. When i find them(and i will) i'll let ya's know. They're cool. The othet night i looked at the counter and in 36 hours or less i had clocked up 237 girlfriend says i've got problems LOL LOL

Little does she know:lol: :lol:
captain zed said:
Thanks for the help lads. I will keep searching cos i know these things are out there. When i find them(and i will) i'll let ya's know. They're cool. The othet night i looked at the counter and in 36 hours or less i had clocked up 237 girlfriend says i've got problems LOL LOL

Little does she know:lol: :lol:

Yup ! You got problems. Only 237 web pages , sounds like a slow pc to me. time to upgrade.

The Quest is over

Well folks,
I found me little was on the aol toolbar. Now all i have to is extract it from the toolbar. Any suggestions, or is it possible??
:nod: Zzzzz
Chances are, the AOL toolbar comes as a whole, but i'd look for a different version anyway.

Be sure to double check any you find though. I had a quick look earlier and referenced a few; counter.exe and which are in fact malicious (trojans/viri).

I'm sure it would be fairly straightforward to code something. If you've had no joy by the weekend, i'll give it a go myself as i have other web-stuff to catch up on.
Still counting

Thanks for that tip about "viri". Thats a new term to me. A lesson everyday keeps the apples away. No need to waste your valuable w.end time on this. I will do it in me free work time, breaks,etc.LOL
:nod: Zzzzz