someone gave me a couple of miniature pc's today
they were P-III's but missing the proprietary powersupplies.
never saw anything like it...the power connector was
just 6 pins.
the only marking was the model number BK630.
a minute on google and I found it was called an iBook
and I even found power supplies...but they were $80 each!
Well so much for that project...
except the specs said they were 5volt and 12v
(no other volatges were listed)
on the mobo was a header for the HD power jumper wire...
what the heck , I;ve got nothing to loose...
just plug in a standard AT power supply there
and run the HD & floppy direct from the PSU
well guess what...both machines worked!
on one of them the ps/2 ports were bad...but the
machine works with a USB K.B.
Of course they will look a bit funny with an AT powersupply
bolted to the top
they were P-III's but missing the proprietary powersupplies.
never saw anything like it...the power connector was
just 6 pins.
the only marking was the model number BK630.
a minute on google and I found it was called an iBook
and I even found power supplies...but they were $80 each!
Well so much for that project...
except the specs said they were 5volt and 12v
(no other volatges were listed)
on the mobo was a header for the HD power jumper wire...
what the heck , I;ve got nothing to loose...
just plug in a standard AT power supply there
and run the HD & floppy direct from the PSU
well guess what...both machines worked!
on one of them the ps/2 ports were bad...but the
machine works with a USB K.B.
Of course they will look a bit funny with an AT powersupply
bolted to the top