That's precisely when you need to post it to as many groups as
possible within the limits of relevancy.
No, because with such basic questions there are ever-more
groups that fall under this potential "relevancy" idea.
If I have a hard drive problem, I am not going to post it to DVD
forums. But if I have a question that relates both to hardware in
general and DVDs in particular, I will post it to both the hardware
and DVD groups, especially when it is obscure.
Two groups is not excessive, and it is a more specifc
situation (most likely) in above mentioned scenario.
The purpose of Usenet is to share as much information as possible
within the confines of relevancy.
Yes and in doing so a few conventions help to keep the
system working well. If it was just some vague concept of
"share information" then why not post the entire
encyclopedia every day? Why not just jump all the
alt.comp.%%%% groups into one huge group them? That's
certainly more "sharing" but there's good reason why that's
not how it's set up.
If that involves crossposting now
and then, then so be it. If you do not want to participate in a topic,
then don't open the posts.
I also don't want to download excessively cross-posted
topics nor have longer news server wait times because of it,
nor to have to skim through the thousands of posts.
You really haven't thought this through much... just about
any post you see here could theoretically be relevant to
several groups. That's dozens of times, perhaps 100s of
times as many posts to the more general-purpose groups. It
would essentially make them ineffective.
What you want is for everyone to post only those things that interest
you, so you do not have to root thru all the posts that do not
interest you.
Nope, has nothing to do with what I may or may not be
interested in, rather what does and doesn't work well on
usenet. The whole reason why your posts get seen by a large
% of participants is because the traffic is moderate. It
remains moderate because posts are made to the most relevant
group(s), not just any that might be related in some loose
May I recommend you start your own forum, call it
<alt.comp.hardware.kony>. Then you won't have to put up with the
inconvience of other people posting things that interest them and not
Do tell us what a USB DVB-T TV Tuner has to do with the
following groups?,,,
It's not DVD, it's a USB tuner. Off-topic
I'm not reading those groups but I'm still opposed to
excessive cross-posting to them. It's not at all a matter
of what I dont' want to read.