I used the sample drag and drop source of
I set the View to SmallIcons, and AllowDrop to True
But the draggedItem wasn't inserted at the specified position.
Instead, it was always inserted at the last position.
So I set a break point, and examined the Items collection.
It seemed that the order of the Items collection was correct.
I thought that the ListView was acting strange so I need to
make it to redraw all items.
LvSequence.Items.Insert(targetIndex, CType(draggedItem.Clone(),
' Remove the original copy of the dragged item.
' Temporarily change the view to force the ListView redraw all items
LvSequence.View = View.Details
LvSequence.View = View.SmallIcon
Well, this is the workaround I've come with. But why does ListView
act like this?
Windows Vista 64bit
VB.NET 2005
I set the View to SmallIcons, and AllowDrop to True
But the draggedItem wasn't inserted at the specified position.
Instead, it was always inserted at the last position.
So I set a break point, and examined the Items collection.
It seemed that the order of the Items collection was correct.
I thought that the ListView was acting strange so I need to
make it to redraw all items.
LvSequence.Items.Insert(targetIndex, CType(draggedItem.Clone(),
' Remove the original copy of the dragged item.
' Temporarily change the view to force the ListView redraw all items
LvSequence.View = View.Details
LvSequence.View = View.SmallIcon
Well, this is the workaround I've come with. But why does ListView
act like this?
Windows Vista 64bit
VB.NET 2005