I use the new version of the ListView (.net framework 2.0). I decided to
make it virtual (due to the large amount of items) and set the ownerdraw
property to true (to have the full control of the items drawing).
The items (and sub items) are correctly displayed as long as i do not move
the mouse over the subitems. Since i start to move the mouse over the
subitems, the content (a string) disapears. It is like the Invalidate was not
correctly done internally by the control. I put a break point in the function
that draws the subitems and i never get into it (protected override void
Here are the functions used to accomplish the work:
protected override void OnDrawColumnHeader(DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs
protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
protected override void OnDrawSubItem(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
protected override void OnRetrieveVirtualItem(RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e)
In my constructor i set the following properties;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.OwnerDraw = true;
this.VirtualMode = true;
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
I suspect a bug in the CLR. I would really appreciate if someone could light
my candle on that issue.
Thank you!
I use the new version of the ListView (.net framework 2.0). I decided to
make it virtual (due to the large amount of items) and set the ownerdraw
property to true (to have the full control of the items drawing).
The items (and sub items) are correctly displayed as long as i do not move
the mouse over the subitems. Since i start to move the mouse over the
subitems, the content (a string) disapears. It is like the Invalidate was not
correctly done internally by the control. I put a break point in the function
that draws the subitems and i never get into it (protected override void
Here are the functions used to accomplish the work:
protected override void OnDrawColumnHeader(DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs
protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
protected override void OnDrawSubItem(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
protected override void OnRetrieveVirtualItem(RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e)
In my constructor i set the following properties;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.OwnerDraw = true;
this.VirtualMode = true;
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
I suspect a bug in the CLR. I would really appreciate if someone could light
my candle on that issue.
Thank you!