Listing Unlike Items



I have a table based on telephone numbers and customers.
Field 1: Tele#
Field 2: Customer
Field 3: Tele#2
Field 4: Customer

Tele# has dublicates in both Field 1 and Field 3. I want to create a query
which would list all unique Tele#'s. It either appears in Field 1 and not in
Field 3 or Appears in Field 3 and not in Field 1 but not in both.


If that what you mean, then try this

SELECT TableName.*
FROM TableName
WHERE [Field 1]<>[Field 3]


I have made a change in my database. I have created 2 seperate tables. Each
table has:
Field 1: Tele#
Field 2: Customer

I need the query to list all Tel#'s and Customers in one table which do not
appear in the second table base on Tele#

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