Listing all files in web and sub webs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil
  • Start date Start date


I'm using FrontPage 2003 to manage a (large) number of sites. Each of the
sites is set up as a subweb. There are also some folders and files at the
top level.

I'd like to get a list of all files in the whole web. If I view the all
files report (View--->Reports--->Files--->All Files), Frontpage list just
the files and folders at the top level and ignores files and folders within
the sub webs.

Is there any way I can get a list of files within the entire site without
having to open each sub web individually?


Not using FP.

You could do that if you had access to the file system on the server.

dir /s * > c:\files.txt

Would do it from a command line and generate a file with the list. (Or
something similar.)