I want to pass the values that have been chosen from a
few comboboxes into a listbox as a single entry.
how do i do this??
this is what i tried... it will probably give u some
indication of what im trying to achieve:
Dim ChosenDate As Date
ChosenDate = dtpRoomDate.Value()
Dim ChosenRoom As String
ChosenRoom = CBoxRoomNames.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenLayout As String
ChosenLayout = CBoxLayout.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenSession As String
ChosenSession = CBoxSession.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenGuestNo As Int32
ChosenGuestNo = txtNoOfGuests.Text
LBoxSelRooms.Items.Add(ChosenDate, ChosenRoom,
ChosenLayout, ChosenSession, ChosenGuestNo)
of course this does not work!! I want all the values
passed into the same row. is this possible or would i be
better off using another control?
Thx for your time
I want to pass the values that have been chosen from a
few comboboxes into a listbox as a single entry.
how do i do this??
this is what i tried... it will probably give u some
indication of what im trying to achieve:
Dim ChosenDate As Date
ChosenDate = dtpRoomDate.Value()
Dim ChosenRoom As String
ChosenRoom = CBoxRoomNames.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenLayout As String
ChosenLayout = CBoxLayout.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenSession As String
ChosenSession = CBoxSession.SelectedItem
Dim ChosenGuestNo As Int32
ChosenGuestNo = txtNoOfGuests.Text
LBoxSelRooms.Items.Add(ChosenDate, ChosenRoom,
ChosenLayout, ChosenSession, ChosenGuestNo)
of course this does not work!! I want all the values
passed into the same row. is this possible or would i be
better off using another control?
Thx for your time