I have a list box whose row source is a query yet I am only getting one of
the Rows of data on the list box? Currently our of the 5 columns the last is
being displayed.
Your question states "yet I am only getting one of the Rows of data on
the list box" , while the last sentence states "Currently our of the 5
columns the last is being displayed."
What did you mean by "Currently our of"?
Is it the Rows that are incorrect or is it the Columns that are incorrect?
What, exactly, is the list box Rowsource query SQL?
Does the query byitself show all of the correct data?
What, exactly, is the list box ColumnCount property?
What, exactly, is the list box ColumnWidths property?
What Access version are you using?
What Service Packs have you installed?
Did you check the Microsoft Knowledge base for
potential problems with service packs for your version of Access?
What actually shows in the list box?
What should show?