Bob Dankert
I have a custom listbox where the items are of a much larger height than a
standard listbox (each item sometimes can be half the height of the total
listbox). I am currently capturing all scroll messages in WndPrc and
sending my own scroll messages using the following method:
private void scrollMe(System.IntPtr dir)
System.Windows.Forms.Message ScrollMessage = new Message();
ScrollMessage.HWnd = Handle;
ScrollMessage.Msg = 0x0115;
ScrollMessage.WParam = dir;
this.DefWndProc( ref ScrollMessage );
The problem with my scrolling is that I it will scroll almost a page at a
time, because the listbox by default scrolls to the end of the current item.
Is there anyway to make the listbox so that it can scroll so the bottom of
the listbox is not necessarily the bottom of the item (ie, it cuts off part
of the item)? It would be nice if I could specify that each scroll
increment were a set number of pixels (each scroll, go 5 pixels).
I appreciate any help in this matter,
Bob Dankert
standard listbox (each item sometimes can be half the height of the total
listbox). I am currently capturing all scroll messages in WndPrc and
sending my own scroll messages using the following method:
private void scrollMe(System.IntPtr dir)
System.Windows.Forms.Message ScrollMessage = new Message();
ScrollMessage.HWnd = Handle;
ScrollMessage.Msg = 0x0115;
ScrollMessage.WParam = dir;
this.DefWndProc( ref ScrollMessage );
The problem with my scrolling is that I it will scroll almost a page at a
time, because the listbox by default scrolls to the end of the current item.
Is there anyway to make the listbox so that it can scroll so the bottom of
the listbox is not necessarily the bottom of the item (ie, it cuts off part
of the item)? It would be nice if I could specify that each scroll
increment were a set number of pixels (each scroll, go 5 pixels).
I appreciate any help in this matter,
Bob Dankert