Andy said:
Thanks Albert - I read your article - very useful - but I think you
misunderstood me. I don't want to underline any text
Yes, I do understand you not looking to underline the text. I was
suggesting that if you did change the font to underlined, it MIGHT look like
line dividers.
But, I also put in the disclaimer: "this might be messy" (and, also
added I not tired this idea -- if the fields were fixed length text, then in
fact I think my suggest might hold some water).
It was simply a possible off the top suggestion. (you could still try
it..perhaps with a larger might actually produce the look you want
with underlined text.
I never tried this idea (you would have to use a fixed length font like
courier, force the length of each row to be the SAME (use a format command
in the sql for the combo box), and then simply set the text to underlined.
Those underlines *should* look very much like diving lines.
As I said, I never tried this idea.
People don't think it is messy with forms so why not for List
My WHOLE point was then why don't you then use a continues form? My whole
point was you *can* use a continues form to achieve your goal
(answer: however, using a continues form can be a LOT more work then a list
box, and therefore is often MORE messy to use then a nice listbox). I was
not using the term "messy" in how it looks, but the term "messy" was
referring to the amount of work to achieve your goal here....
As a general rule, the combo box has been a standard windows interface for
about 17 years now, and in that time period, we not had a combo box that
allows one to set dividing lines. So, it kind just the way the whole
computer industry has been for the last 17 years, and it hard to change that
much history (FoxPro, VB,, c#, c++ all when using the standard combo
box don't have dividing lines - it not part of the control). You can even
well note the same limitation on web browsers, as once again browse simply
use the standard windows interface for the combo box.