Can anyone kindly help with the following?
I have a sub named Run_Channel_Reports which calls the
following routines
Select_DataType contains the line frmChannel.show and I
have created a userform with a single selection listbox.
There are no other controls on the form. The code behind
my Listbox click event is
Private Sub LstSheet_Click()
sRange = LstSheet.Value
End Sub
The Create_Reports sub contains code to run a loop, after
this has finished (and this appears to work ok in that it
exits when it should) I've inserted the frm.hide event.
FYI the user form is called frmChannel.
However, the code is not working as expected. When I step
through, VBA gets to the frmChannel.hide line which is the
last line in my Create_Reports sub, gets to End Sub then
steps back to the LstSheet_click sub (but End Sub is
highlighted in yellow) and then steps to my
Select_DataType sub which contains the following only
Sub Select_DataType()
End Sub
but again End Sub is highlighted so I presume it's not
activating the frmChannel.show
Then the code goes back to Run_Channel_Reports (as
expected) but highlights the Create_Reports line which I
would not expect it to do. I would expect VBA to carry
out the last few lines of Run_Channel_Reports which are
With Application
.StatusBar = False
.DisplayAlerts = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Can anyone help because I'm unable to work out whether
there's something dodgy with my loop although it seems to
work ok or if I've coded the LstSheet_Click sub
incorrectly or something else. I'm outta ideas so any
clues are kindly appreciated.
Many thanks
I have a sub named Run_Channel_Reports which calls the
following routines
Select_DataType contains the line frmChannel.show and I
have created a userform with a single selection listbox.
There are no other controls on the form. The code behind
my Listbox click event is
Private Sub LstSheet_Click()
sRange = LstSheet.Value
End Sub
The Create_Reports sub contains code to run a loop, after
this has finished (and this appears to work ok in that it
exits when it should) I've inserted the frm.hide event.
FYI the user form is called frmChannel.
However, the code is not working as expected. When I step
through, VBA gets to the frmChannel.hide line which is the
last line in my Create_Reports sub, gets to End Sub then
steps back to the LstSheet_click sub (but End Sub is
highlighted in yellow) and then steps to my
Select_DataType sub which contains the following only
Sub Select_DataType()
End Sub
but again End Sub is highlighted so I presume it's not
activating the frmChannel.show
Then the code goes back to Run_Channel_Reports (as
expected) but highlights the Create_Reports line which I
would not expect it to do. I would expect VBA to carry
out the last few lines of Run_Channel_Reports which are
With Application
.StatusBar = False
.DisplayAlerts = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Can anyone help because I'm unable to work out whether
there's something dodgy with my loop although it seems to
work ok or if I've coded the LstSheet_Click sub
incorrectly or something else. I'm outta ideas so any
clues are kindly appreciated.
Many thanks