I understand when the user clicks the listbox you want to
look up a reference number stored with the text
In VB6, ItemData would have done this. In VB.Net, you can
do something much more powerful. You can put objects in
your list. In the example below, I've set up a structure
which has a text item (to go in the list) and an index
item. Note I've included an interface so the items can be
sorted in the listbox.
'structure to hold info to go in list
Structure ListStructure
Implements IComparable 'for sort
Dim Text As String
Dim Index As Integer
Sub New(ByVal sText As String, ByVal sIndex As
Text = sText
Index = sIndex
End Sub
Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Text
End Function
'this bit handles sort
Public Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As
Integer Implements System.IComparable.CompareTo
Return StrComp(Text, DirectCast(obj.text,
End Function
End Structure
'this is how you add items
str = New ListStructure(xText, xIndex) : cmbList.Items.Add
'..end loop
'this is how you retrieve items
'get the text
Dim tText as Integer= DirectCast(cmbList.Items
(cmbList.SelectedIndex), ListStructure).Text
'get the index
Dim tIndex as Integer= DirectCast(cmbList.Items
(cmbList.SelectedIndex), ListStructure).Index
Dermot Balson
Free VBA code for user interfaces, internet connectivity,
Last updated August 2003