Listbox headers


Robert Crandal

For my listbox control, I set the value of "ColumnHeads" to True,
meaning that my listbox will contain headers for my columns. I
can now see the headers in my listbox, I just dont know how to
enter text into each header. how do i do that?

thank u


Dave Peterson

Those headers come from the row above the range you use for the .rowsource.

If your .rowsource is (say) A2:A10, then the column headings will be from row 1.

Robert Crandal

Ok, that works. If I set the .Rowsource, I can now see text in my
headers. However, if I now try to add a new item into the listbox
(using Listbox1.AddItem), I get an error message that says
"Permission Denied". What happened now??

Dave Peterson

You can use the rowsource or you can use additem. You can't use both.

And watch what happens when you use the column headers and additem.

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