Help me out here please, List Views? I've got 2 check
boxes. When the focus is on a particular record in the
List View, I want it to update using the following SQL.
Are there any methods that will allow me to populate a
variable with the particular list view record which has
focus and can i then use it in the update statment instead
of hardcoded WHERE CUSTNMBR = 'CUST02'
Private Sub btnJPSave_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
If lstJP.FocusedItem.Text <> "" And ckboxJPCalled.Checked
And ckBoxJPOrdered.Checked Then
Dim cn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " &
Dim strUpdate As String = " UPDATE JourneyPlan set " & _
" Called = 'Y', Ordered = 'Y' "
I tried this but it don't work ... any ideas?
Dim marc1 As DataRow
marc1 = lstJP.Items(lstJP.FocusedItem)
boxes. When the focus is on a particular record in the
List View, I want it to update using the following SQL.
Are there any methods that will allow me to populate a
variable with the particular list view record which has
focus and can i then use it in the update statment instead
of hardcoded WHERE CUSTNMBR = 'CUST02'
Private Sub btnJPSave_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
If lstJP.FocusedItem.Text <> "" And ckboxJPCalled.Checked
And ckBoxJPOrdered.Checked Then
Dim cn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " &
Dim strUpdate As String = " UPDATE JourneyPlan set " & _
" Called = 'Y', Ordered = 'Y' "
I tried this but it don't work ... any ideas?
Dim marc1 As DataRow
marc1 = lstJP.Items(lstJP.FocusedItem)