on my excel file I have 2 sheets
First Sheet (Sheet 1): User Enter Data , on thsi sheet I
have a cell where the Validation is a liste, so on this
Cell I have a comboBox where the user can choose data
from a liste.
This list is declared on the second sheet of my file.
My problem now that I have 2 differents lists, and
depending on what the user choose in a cell I have to
choose the right liste
I have a cell which contains liste of Female or male
If user choose for A10: Female I have to display on D10
the list FemaleFirstName
If user choose for A10: Male I have to display on D10 the
list MaleFistName
What I did is the following:
in Options --> Validation
I choose List
Source : =If(A10=Female; FemaleFirstName;MaleFirstName)
The error message that I have to put (') after the = I
tried but it's not working, do you have any idea why
Any help
on my excel file I have 2 sheets
First Sheet (Sheet 1): User Enter Data , on thsi sheet I
have a cell where the Validation is a liste, so on this
Cell I have a comboBox where the user can choose data
from a liste.
This list is declared on the second sheet of my file.
My problem now that I have 2 differents lists, and
depending on what the user choose in a cell I have to
choose the right liste
I have a cell which contains liste of Female or male
If user choose for A10: Female I have to display on D10
the list FemaleFirstName
If user choose for A10: Male I have to display on D10 the
list MaleFistName
What I did is the following:
in Options --> Validation
I choose List
Source : =If(A10=Female; FemaleFirstName;MaleFirstName)
The error message that I have to put (') after the = I
tried but it's not working, do you have any idea why
Any help