List Tool Bar



Would someone tell me how to modify the List command tool-bar? I would like
to add a Command Button to the "Form" which displays upon selecting Form in
the List command bar menu option drop-down. This Form dynamically creates
fields for the selected cells in a worksheet. I would like to extend the
functionality a bit further. Where do you start when accessing the
programming of the built-in toolbars?

Tom Ogilvy

Here is an article about creating commandbars with code:;en-us;830502&Product=xlw
How to customize menus and menu bars in Excel;en-us;166755
File Title: Customizing Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items in Microsoft(R)
Excel 97
File Name: WE1183.EXE
File Size: 58041 bytes
File Date: 06/20/97
Keywords: kbfile kbappnote
Description: This Application Note can help you learn techniques for writing
Visual Basic(R) for Applications code to customize menus in Microsoft Excel
97. This Application Note contains code examples that you can use with the
following elements: menu bars, menus, menu items, submenus, and shortcut

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