List page ASP problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amateur
  • Start date Start date


Dear Sirs
I have an ASP List page which is showing all records from my DB table (shown
in groups of 10 records).
The ASP page is working fine until record number 30. All other records
(behind record 30) are showing the data from record number 30.
Does anyone has any idea about the reason for that?
The page is not showing any error message (the "on Error resume next" is out).
I would be happy about any help offered.
P.S. Maybe for easier understanding of my problem please go to: . Choose
10 records per page, go to page 3 than look at the last record and go to page
4 (you will find 10 times the last record of page 3).
Here is the code. It's actually a bid mixed from everything - FP, Ataf and my
own silly writing:

<!--#include File ="globalsub.asp"-->

If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="new" then
response.redirect "contactos_web.asp?cmd=New"
End if
If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="delete" then
Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
SqlStr = "DELETE FROM contactos_1001 WHERE autonumber="+
conntemp.Execute (SqlStr)
End if

If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="save" then
Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
SqlStr = "UPDATE contactos_1001 SET "

Sqlstr=SqlStr+"firstname='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_firstname")) + "', "

+ "', "

Sqlstr=SqlStr+"telephone='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_telephone")) + "', "

Sqlstr=SqlStr+"mobilephone='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_mobilephone")) + "', "
Sqlstr=SqlStr+"sendbrochure="+Request.QueryString("db_sendbrochure") + ", "
Sqlstr=SqlStr+"sendpostvisit="+Request.QueryString("db_sendpostvisit") +
", "

Sqlstr=SqlStr+"information='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_information")) + "', "
SqlStr = Mid(SqlStr, 1, Len(SqlStr) - 2)
SqlStr = SqlStr + " WHERE autonumber="+
Request.QueryString("db_autonumber")+ " "
If Instr(sqlstr," SE ")<=0 Then
conntemp.Execute (SqlStr)
End if
End if
gui = request.querystring("gui")
curpage = request.querystring("Curpage")
If Curpage = "" Then Curpage = 1
Interval = request.querystring("Interval")
If Interval = "" Then Interval = 5
If prefix = "" then
prefix = "*"
End if
If prefix_Operator = "" then
prefix_Operator = "OR"
End if
If prefix_Operator = "OR" then
prefix_Operator_ORvar=" checked"
prefix_Operator_ANDvar=" checked"
End if
If (prefix<>"") And (prefix <> "*") then
SqlStr = SqlStr+"prefix LIKE '%"+prefix+"%' " + prefix_Operator + " "
End if
If SqlStr <> "" Then
SqlStrCount = "SELECT Count(autonumber) As NoOfRecs FROM contactos_1001
Where "+ SqlStr
SqlStrCount = Mid(SqlStrCount,1,len(SqlStrCount)-4)
SqlStrCount = "SELECT Count(autonumber) As NoOfRecs FROM contactos_1001"
End if
If SqlStr <> "" Then
SqlStr ="SELECT * FROM contactos_1001 WHERE "+ SqlStr
SqlStr = Mid(SqlStr,1,len(SqlStr)-4)
Sqlstr ="SELECT * FROM contactos_1001"
End if
SqlStr = SqlStr + " ORDER BY autonumber"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="ATAF Version 6.1.0">
<base target="_self">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="globalcss.css">

<script Language="JavaScript">
function winopenexcel (sqlstr)
msg.location = "toexcel.asp?sqlstr="+sqlstr;

<body class="formpage" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0"
bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="background-color:
<table width="553" border="0" height="89">
<td height="1"></td>
<td align="left"><img border="0" src="../../../BIE/images/c1_top.GIF"
width="539" height="17"></td>
<td height="27"></td>
<td height="0"></td>


<td valign="Default" >
<form method="GET" action="contactos_web.asp" name="contactos_1001"
onSubmit="return Checkform(this);">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="formpagetable"
width="538" style="border-width: 0">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="539" border="0">

<tr><td colspan="2" align="centre" class="listpagetablelabel" height="19">
<p align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Lista" Class="listpagebutton"
<%=ShowTextOnPic("Chasquido aquí para poner sus archivos en una lista")%>>
Ver<%=CreateDropDownBox(Cstr(interval), "5;10", "interval", "1",
"class='listpagetablelabel'", Cstr(interval))%> Archivos por página

<p align="left"></td></tr>
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="Find">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
Set rs = conntemp.Execute(SqlStrCount)
NoOfRecs = rs("NoOfRecs")
Set rs = conntemp.Execute(SqlStr)
If rs.EOF <> True Then
End If
If CInt(curpage) > 1 Then
MoveForward = CInt(Interval) * (CInt(curpage) - 1)
For xx = 1 To MoveForward
If rs.EOF <> True Then
End If
End If
End if
If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
If (rs.EOF<>True) Then
Response.write " <tr class='listpageresultheader'>"
Response.write "<td></td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Nombre"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Apellido"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Teléfono"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Movil"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Bro."
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Carta"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
Response.write "Informaciön"
Response.write " </td>"
Response.write "<td></td>"
Response.write "</tr>"
End if
End if
If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
If (rs.EOF=True) Then
Response.write "¡Lamentable!, ningunos archivos encontrados"
End if
End if
If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
While (rs.EOF <> True) And (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") AND
If lastWas = True Then
Varclass = "listpageresultline"
lastWas = False
Varclass = "listpageresultlinealt"
lastWas = True
End If
Response.write "<form method="+qu+"GET"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db"+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+qu+" target="+qu+"_self"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_autonumber"+qu+" value="+qu+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+qu+">"
Response.write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+" name="+qu+"dbcmd"+qu+"
For Each Item In request.querystring
If (Item <> "dbcmd") And (Mid(item,1,3)<>"db_") Then
Response.Write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+" name="+qu+item+qu+"
End If
Response.write "<tr title="+qu+"Chasquido aquí para corregir registro"+qu+"
Response.write "<td><input type="+qu+"button"+qu+" value="+qu+" "+qu+"
onClick="+qu+"['I1'].location.href='contactos_1001form.asp?cmd=Fromlis t&autonumber="+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+"'"+qu+"></td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_firstname"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("firstname"))+qu+"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_lastname"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("lastname"))+qu+"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_telephone"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("telephone"))+qu+"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_mobilephone"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("mobilephone"))+qu+"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("sendbrochure"))+qu+" size="+qu+"2"+qu+">"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("sendpostvisit"))+qu+" size="+qu+"2"+qu+">"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
name="+qu+"db_information"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("information"))+qu+"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "</td><td>"
Response.write "</td>"
Response.write "</form>"
Response.write "</tr>"+Crlf
End if
If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
Set rs = Nothing
Set conntemp = Nothing
End if

If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then%>
<div align="center">
<%=IntervalBox(curpage, Interval, NoOfRecs, "contactos_web.asp",
request.querystring, "#000000", "2")%>
<%End If
</td><td height="44"></td>
<td width="0"></td>
<td width="539"></td>
<td height="2" width="0"></td>

<script language="JavaScript">
function Checkform(thisform) {
// Init val
strError = 'ATAF Version 6.1.0, Database : contactos_web\n\nYou have to
correct the following error(s)\nbefore you can start your search.\n\n';
intError = 0;
if (intError == 1) {
alert (strError)
return false;
// -->
If Err <> 0 Then
pad="Sql Script Errors Occured!\n"
pad = pad + "Error Number= #" & Err.Number & "\n"
pad = pad + "Error Desc.= " & Err.Description &"\n\n"
pad = pad + "Data not saved !!!\n"
response.write "<script language="+qu+"JavaScript"+qu+">"+CrLf
response.write "<!--"+CrLf
response.write "strError = '"+pad+"';"+Crlf
response.write "alert (strError);"+CrLf
response.write "// -->"+CrLf
response.write "</script>"+CrLf
End If

If Session("Err") <> 0 Then
pad="Sql Script Errors Occured!\n"
pad=pad + "Error Number= #<b>" & Session("Err") & "\n"
pad=pad + "Error Desc.= <b>" & Session("Description") &"\n\n"
pad = pad + "Data not saved !!!\n"
response.write "<script language="+qu+"JavaScript"+qu+">"+CrLf
response.write "<!--"+CrLf
response.write "strError = '"+pad+"';"+Crlf
response.write "alert (strError);"+CrLf
response.write "// -->"+CrLf
response.write "</script>"+CrLf
End If

The record pagination is controlled by the ATAF app you have installed
- Ask in an ATAF support group

I don't even get to see any pages except the 1st 10 records (your page dropdown does not work)

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| Here is the code. It's actually a bid mixed from everything - FP, Ataf and my
| own silly writing:
| <!--#include File ="globalsub.asp"-->
| <%
| If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="new" then
| response.redirect "contactos_web.asp?cmd=New"
| End if
| If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="delete" then
| Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
| "DSN=access;Database=f:\\salespersonal\websales.mdb"
| SqlStr = "DELETE FROM contactos_1001 WHERE autonumber="+
| Request.QueryString("db_autonumber")
| conntemp.Execute (SqlStr)
| conntemp.Close
| SqlStr=""
| End if
| If Request.QueryString("dbcmd")="save" then
| Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
| "DSN=access;Database=f:\\salespersonal\websales.mdb"
| SqlStr = "UPDATE contactos_1001 SET "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"firstname='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_firstname")) + "', "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"lastname='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_lastname"))
| + "', "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"telephone='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_telephone")) + "', "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"mobilephone='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_mobilephone")) + "', "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"sendbrochure="+Request.QueryString("db_sendbrochure") + ", "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"sendpostvisit="+Request.QueryString("db_sendpostvisit") +
| ", "
| Sqlstr=SqlStr+"information='"+FixDbFieldSave(Request.QueryString("db_information")) + "', "
| SqlStr = Mid(SqlStr, 1, Len(SqlStr) - 2)
| SqlStr = SqlStr + " WHERE autonumber="+
| Request.QueryString("db_autonumber")+ " "
| If Instr(sqlstr," SE ")<=0 Then
| conntemp.Execute (SqlStr)
| End if
| conntemp.close
| SqlStr=""
| End if
| gui = request.querystring("gui")
| curpage = request.querystring("Curpage")
| If Curpage = "" Then Curpage = 1
| Interval = request.querystring("Interval")
| If Interval = "" Then Interval = 5
| prefix=trim(Request.querystring("prefix"))
| If prefix = "" then
| prefix = "*"
| End if
| prefix_Operator=trim(Request.querystring("prefix_Operator"))
| If prefix_Operator = "" then
| prefix_Operator = "OR"
| End if
| If prefix_Operator = "OR" then
| prefix_Operator_ORvar=" checked"
| prefix_Operator_ANDvar=""
| Else
| prefix_Operator_ORvar=""
| prefix_Operator_ANDvar=" checked"
| End if
| If (prefix<>"") And (prefix <> "*") then
| SqlStr = SqlStr+"prefix LIKE '%"+prefix+"%' " + prefix_Operator + " "
| End if
| If SqlStr <> "" Then
| SqlStrCount = "SELECT Count(autonumber) As NoOfRecs FROM contactos_1001
| Where "+ SqlStr
| SqlStrCount = Mid(SqlStrCount,1,len(SqlStrCount)-4)
| Else
| SqlStrCount = "SELECT Count(autonumber) As NoOfRecs FROM contactos_1001"
| End if
| If SqlStr <> "" Then
| SqlStr ="SELECT * FROM contactos_1001 WHERE "+ SqlStr
| SqlStr = Mid(SqlStr,1,len(SqlStr)-4)
| Else
| Sqlstr ="SELECT * FROM contactos_1001"
| End if
| SqlStr = SqlStr + " ORDER BY autonumber"
| %>
| <html>
| <head>
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
| <meta name="GENERATOR" content="ATAF Version 6.1.0">
| <title>Contactosweb</title>
| <base target="_self">
| <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="globalcss.css">
| <script Language="JavaScript">
| function winopenexcel (sqlstr)
| {
| msg=open("","NewWindow","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,me
| nubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory
| =no,width=400,height=150");
| msg.location = "toexcel.asp?sqlstr="+sqlstr;
| msg.focus()
| }
| </script>
| </head>
| <body class="formpage" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0"
| bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="background-color:
| <table width="553" border="0" height="89">
| <tr>
| <td></tr>
| <td></tr>
| <td height="1"></td>
| </tr>
| <tr>
| <td></td>
| <td align="left"><img border="0" src="../../../BIE/images/c1_top.GIF"
| width="539" height="17"></td>
| <td height="27"></td>
| </tr>
| <tr>
| <td></td>
| <td></td>
| <td height="0"></td>
| </tr>
| <tr>
| <td></td>
| <td valign="Default" >
| <form method="GET" action="contactos_web.asp" name="contactos_1001"
| onSubmit="return Checkform(this);">
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="formpagetable"
| width="538" style="border-width: 0">
| <tr>
| <td colspan="2">
| <table width="539" border="0">
| </table>
| <tr><td colspan="2" align="centre" class="listpagetablelabel" height="19">
| <p align="center">
| <input type="submit" value="Lista" Class="listpagebutton"
| <%=ShowTextOnPic("Chasquido aquí para poner sus archivos en una lista")%>>
| Ver<%=CreateDropDownBox(Cstr(interval), "5;10", "interval", "1",
| "class='listpagetablelabel'", Cstr(interval))%> Archivos por página
| </td>
| </tr>
| <p align="left"></td></tr>
| <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="Find">
| </table>
| </form>
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
| <%
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
| Set conntemp = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection")
| "DSN=access;Database=f:\\salespersonal\websales.mdb"
| Set rs = conntemp.Execute(SqlStrCount)
| NoOfRecs = rs("NoOfRecs")
| Set rs = conntemp.Execute(SqlStr)
| If rs.EOF <> True Then
| End If
| If CInt(curpage) > 1 Then
| MoveForward = CInt(Interval) * (CInt(curpage) - 1)
| For xx = 1 To MoveForward
| If rs.EOF <> True Then
| rs.MoveNext
| End If
| Next
| End If
| End if
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
| If (rs.EOF<>True) Then
| Response.write " <tr class='listpageresultheader'>"
| Response.write "<td></td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Nombre"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Apellido"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Teléfono"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Movil"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Bro."
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Carta"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+"
| class="+qu+"listsave"+qu+">"
| Response.write "Informaciön"
| Response.write " </td>"
| Response.write "<td></td>"
| Response.write "</tr>"
| End if
| End if
| countrecs_new=0
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
| If (rs.EOF=True) Then
| Response.write "¡Lamentable!, ningunos archivos encontrados"
| End if
| End if
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
| While (rs.EOF <> True) And (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") AND
| (countrecs_new<CInt(Interval))
| If lastWas = True Then
| Varclass = "listpageresultline"
| lastWas = False
| Else
| Varclass = "listpageresultlinealt"
| lastWas = True
| End If
| Response.write "<form method="+qu+"GET"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db"+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+qu+" target="+qu+"_self"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_autonumber"+qu+" value="+qu+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+" name="+qu+"dbcmd"+qu+"
| value="+qu+"save"+qu+">"
| For Each Item In request.querystring
| If (Item <> "dbcmd") And (Mid(item,1,3)<>"db_") Then
| Response.Write "<input type="+qu+"hidden"+qu+" name="+qu+item+qu+"
| value="+qu+request.querystring(Item)+qu+">"
| End If
| Next
| Response.write "<tr title="+qu+"Chasquido aquí para corregir registro"+qu+"
| class="+qu+varclass+qu+"
| onClick="+qu+"db"+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+".select_button.className
| ='listbutselect';"+qu+"
| onMouseout="+qu+"db"+CStr(Rs("autonumber"))+".select_button.className
| ='listbutnotselect';"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<td><input type="+qu+"button"+qu+" value="+qu+" "+qu+"
| name="+qu+"select_button"+qu+"
| onClick="+qu+"['I1'].location.href='contactos_1001form.asp?cmd=Fromlis
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_firstname"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("firstname"))+qu+"
| size="+qu+"8"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_lastname"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("lastname"))+qu+"
| size="+qu+"17"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_telephone"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("telephone"))+qu+"
| size="+qu+"15"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_mobilephone"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("mobilephone"))+qu+"
| size="+qu+"15"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_sendbrochure"+qu+"
| value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("sendbrochure"))+qu+" size="+qu+"2"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_sendpostvisit"+qu+"
| value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("sendpostvisit"))+qu+" size="+qu+"2"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "<td align="+qu+"left"+qu+" valign="+qu+"top"+qu+">"
| Response.write "<input class="+qu+varclass+qu+" type="+qu+"text"+qu+"
| name="+qu+"db_information"+qu+" value="+qu+FillEmpty(rs("information"))+qu+"
| size="+qu+"15"+qu+">"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "</td><td>"
| Response.write "</td>"
| Response.write "</form>"
| Response.write "</tr>"+Crlf
| countrecs_new=countrecs_new+1
| Rs.movenext
| Wend
| End if
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then
| rs.Close
| Set rs = Nothing
| conntemp.Close
| Set conntemp = Nothing
| End if
| %>
| </table>
| <%
| If (Request.Querystring("cmd")="Find") Then%>
| <center>
| <div align="center">
| <%=IntervalBox(curpage, Interval, NoOfRecs, "contactos_web.asp",
| request.querystring, "#000000", "2")%>
| </center>
| </div>
| <%End If
| %>
| </td><td height="44"></td>
| </tr>
| <tr>
| <td width="0"></td>
| <td width="539"></td>
| <td height="2" width="0"></td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| function Checkform(thisform) {
| // Init val
| strError = 'ATAF Version 6.1.0, Database : contactos_web\n\nYou have to
| correct the following error(s)\nbefore you can start your search.\n\n';
| intError = 0;
| if (intError == 1) {
| alert (strError)
| return false;
| }
| }
| // -->
| </script>
| <%
| If Err <> 0 Then
| pad="Sql Script Errors Occured!\n"
| pad = pad + "Error Number= #" & Err.Number & "\n"
| pad = pad + "Error Desc.= " & Err.Description &"\n\n"
| pad = pad + "Data not saved !!!\n"
| pad=Replace(pad,"'","´")
| response.write "<script language="+qu+"JavaScript"+qu+">"+CrLf
| response.write "<!--"+CrLf
| response.write "strError = '"+pad+"';"+Crlf
| response.write "alert (strError);"+CrLf
| response.write "// -->"+CrLf
| response.write "</script>"+CrLf
| End If
| If Session("Err") <> 0 Then
| pad="Sql Script Errors Occured!\n"
| pad=pad + "Error Number= #<b>" & Session("Err") & "\n"
| pad=pad + "Error Desc.= <b>" & Session("Description") &"\n\n"
| pad = pad + "Data not saved !!!\n"
| pad=Replace(pad,"'","´")
| response.write "<script language="+qu+"JavaScript"+qu+">"+CrLf
| response.write "<!--"+CrLf
| response.write "strError = '"+pad+"';"+Crlf
| response.write "alert (strError);"+CrLf
| response.write "// -->"+CrLf
| response.write "</script>"+CrLf
| Session("Err")=0
| End If
| %>
| </body>
| </html>
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| "Kathleen Anderson" wrote:
| > Amateur:
| >
| > I can't look at your site while I'm at work - it is blocked by our proxy
| > server.
| >
| > Did you use the Database Results Wizard to create the page? Can you post the
| > SQL from the page here?
| >
| > --
| >
| > ~ Kathleen Anderson
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > Spider Web Woman Designs
| > Expression Web Resources:
| > FrontPage Resources:
| > Please reply to the newsgroup for the benefit of others
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Dear Sirs
| > > I have an ASP List page which is showing all records from my DB table
| > > (shown
| > > in groups of 10 records).
| > > The ASP page is working fine until record number 30. All other records
| > > (behind record 30) are showing the data from record number 30.
| > > Does anyone has any idea about the reason for that?
| > > The page is not showing any error message (the "on Error resume next" is
| > > out).
| > > I would be happy about any help offered.
| > > Thanks
| > > Klaus
| > > P.S. Maybe for easier understanding of my problem please go to:
| > > .
| > > Choose
| > > 10 records per page, go to page 3 than look at the last record and go to
| > > page
| > > 4 (you will find 10 times the last record of page 3).
| >
| >
| >