You just needed to adjust the code Jef wrote so that the outside loop skipped every ten rows - see "step 10" below...
Sub TransposeTest()
Dim c As Long
Dim rngData As Range
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim lngCol As Long
Set rngData = Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
For c = 1 To rngData.Rows.Count Step 10
lngRow = lngRow + 1
For lngCol = 0 To 9
rngData(lngRow, 13 + lngCol).Value = rngData(c + lngCol, 1).Value
Next c
End Sub
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA
(free Excel downloads at
"willwonka" <
[email protected]>
wrote in message Thanks. Unfortunately, that just copied the list to 10 columns (which
may be what I asked given the way I worded it).
Let's try this.
Let's say I have a range (we'll call it "data"). This Range is from
A2:A1770 (so it is 1769 rows long).
I would like to transpose that range where it would be 177 (1769 /
10+1) rows by 10 columns starting in Cell M1.
In other words, it would take the first 10 rows of "data" and place
them in cells M1:V1
The next 10 rows would be placed in M2:V2
I appreciate the link to JWalk's site. He is always helpful and I
think I would definitely like to use arrays for this.
So reading the range into an array and then perhaps resize the array
( making it 1769x1 to 177x10) and then just paste that resized array
to the right place.
Thanks, in advance for your help.