list of services

  • Thread starter Thread starter Melanie
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way to do a list of all the services running on a Windows 2000
server? I would like to do this for documentation purposes.


a) Start a command prompt and type :

net start

NB: to output to a file just do "net start > c:\temp\outputfile.txt"


b) Control Panel ... Admin Tools ... Services

Then click on the Status column header and it will sort the list allowing
you to see all of the "Started" ones together.
You can then export the whole list to a text file if you want (tab delim,
csv etc.) via Action ... Export List.

Hope this helps

I needed this info as well. I sorted the processes by MEM Usage first. Then
what I did is expanded the window as large as the screen would contain and
did a screen dump of the processes. i then pasted it into a word processor
screen and printed it out.

I have started researching these on the Microsoft site to see what each are
and if I could tweek any of the processes that were really using a lot of