Jonathan said:
Hi, I want to set up a form so that users can change the data source from
sql database to another. I would like to have a combobox listing network
servers and then another combobox listing databases attached to the
sql server.
Any ideas or, suggestions and code samples on how to create this are
Many thanks
I found this example in the Google newsgroup archives ...
It was written for VB6 and SQL Server 7, so I did a bit of testing and got
the following to work for me. This requires a reference to the Microsoft
SQLDMO Object Library ...
Public Function GetAllSqlServerCollection(colSqlServers As Collection) As
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim oApplication As SQLDMO.Application
Dim oNameList As SQLDMO.NameList
Set oApplication = New SQLDMO.Application
With oApplication
Set oNameList = .ListAvailableSQLServers
With oNameList
For intIndex = 1 To .Count
colSqlServers.Add (oNameList.Item(intIndex))
Debug.Print oNameList.Item(intIndex)
End With
End With
Set oApplication = Nothing
GetAllSqlServerCollection = True
End Function
I had to change "New Application" in the original code to "New
SQLDMO.Application", to avoid a conflict with the Access.Application object.
There's one oddity about the result that I can't explain. The result, when I
run this in the Immediate window, looks like this ...
? GetAllSqlServerCollection(new Collection)
a valid server name\instance name
another valid server name\instance name
In other words, it works, except for that "(1" as the first item. I don't
know where that's coming from. To the best of my knowledge, there shouldn't
be any server with that name on our network - I'm not sure it's even an
alowable name. I wonder if that's actually the digit 1 or the lower-case
letter L?
OK I checked it is a lower-case "L". Hmn .... a truncation of "(local)"