Weak passwords as used by the W32/Deloder.worm but also by many
Using these as login, share or email passwords leaves your machine
vulnerable to attack by many worms. If you are using any of these or
similar passwords, change them as soon as possible.
0 . 000000 . 00000000 . 007 . 1 . 110 . 111 . 111111 . 11111111 . 12 .
121212 . 123 . 123123 . 1234 . 12345 . 123456 . 1234567 . 12345678 .
123456789 . 1234qwer . 123abc . 123asd . 123qwe . 2002 . 2003 . 2600 .
54321 . 654321 . 88888888 . a . aaa . abc . abc123 . abcd . Admin .
admin . admin123 . administrator . alpha . asdf . computer . database
.. enable . foobar . god . godblessyou . home . ihavenopass . Internet
.. Login . login . love . mypass . mypass123 . mypc . mypc123 . oracle
.. owner . pass . passwd . Password . password . pat . patrick . pc .
pw . pw123 . pwd . qwer . root . secret . server . sex . super .
sybase . temp . temp123 . test . test123 . win . xp . xxx . yxcv .
www.sounds-pa.com | www.thecomputerworkshop.com
Using these as login, share or email passwords leaves your machine
vulnerable to attack by many worms. If you are using any of these or
similar passwords, change them as soon as possible.
0 . 000000 . 00000000 . 007 . 1 . 110 . 111 . 111111 . 11111111 . 12 .
121212 . 123 . 123123 . 1234 . 12345 . 123456 . 1234567 . 12345678 .
123456789 . 1234qwer . 123abc . 123asd . 123qwe . 2002 . 2003 . 2600 .
54321 . 654321 . 88888888 . a . aaa . abc . abc123 . abcd . Admin .
admin . admin123 . administrator . alpha . asdf . computer . database
.. enable . foobar . god . godblessyou . home . ihavenopass . Internet
.. Login . login . love . mypass . mypass123 . mypc . mypc123 . oracle
.. owner . pass . passwd . Password . password . pat . patrick . pc .
pw . pw123 . pwd . qwer . root . secret . server . sex . super .
sybase . temp . temp123 . test . test123 . win . xp . xxx . yxcv .
www.sounds-pa.com | www.thecomputerworkshop.com