Since it sounds like a task you will only do once, you may not want to put it
in a macro unless the data is set up in a very consistant way. In the
following code the macros opens two workbooks and then move through all the
sheets starting with the 3rd one and copys specific data into the target
file. You probably don't need anything as fancy as this but it might give
you some ideas:
Sub Rationale()
Dim myRow As Long, sh As Integer, wb As Integer, I As Integer, Path As
String, File(2) As String
Path = ActiveWorkbook.Path
File(1) = "Cap Broadcast10.XLS"
File(2) = "Cap Tech10.xls"
ChDir Path
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Range("A5", Range("A5").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Clear
With Current
myRow = 5
For wb = 1 To 2
Workbooks.Open Filename:=File(wb)
sh = 3
If [B4] <> "" Then
.Cells(myRow, 1) = [B3] & "-" & [C3] & "-" & [D3] &
"-" & [E3] & "-" & [F3] & "-" & [G3]
.Cells(myRow, 2) = [B4] & " - " & Format([I60],
.Cells(myRow, 2).Font.Bold = True
.Cells(myRow + 1, 1) = .Cells(myRow, 1).Value
.Cells(myRow + 1, 1).NumberFormat = ";;;"
.Cells(myRow + 1, 2).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
.Cells(myRow + 1, 2).WrapText = True
myRow = myRow + 2
End If
sh = sh + 1
Loop Until sh > Sheets.Count
Windows(File(wb)).Close Savechanges:=False
Next wb
End With
End Sub