List incrementally?




Is it possible to insert the Company Name, Unit Cost, and Extended Price
into a different spreadsheet incrementally based on one criteria "Won" or
"Lost"? I have a spread sheet that has 200 rows that keeps track of what we
have won and the companies we have lost to. I want to list all the companies
that we lost to but listed on another sheet by rows. Any help is appreciated.


Bernie Deitrick


Get out of the mind-set that you need separate worksheets. Simply insert
another column, labeled "Won/Lost" and enter either "Won" or "Lost" into
that column for each row. Then use Data Autofilter to show just those with
"Won" or those with "Lost". It's a lot easier.

MS Excel MVP



I need a separate worksheet because that is the sheet I print out for my
report each month. All the information is in worksheet A which contains the
won / lost data. I would like to be able to print out the report without
manually inputting the company name, price which will change each month. (Ex:
Anytime the is a "Lost" in column J then the company name and price is
automatically placed in row 3 on worksheet B, if there is another "Lost" in
column J then it would be automatically placed on row 4 in worksheet B.) I
know I am not explaining it the right way. Thanks for your help.


Bernie Deitrick


If you simply apply the autofilter and choose to show only the "Lost" values
in column J, then you would get _exactly_ the same result.

If you absolutely need another worksheet, then simply apply the filter,
select all the cells, use Edit / Go To... Special Cells "Visible Cells
Only" then copy and paste the values onto a new sheet.

MS Excel MVP

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