Berryl said:
Converting in the other direction , IEnumerable<Interface> to
List<ImplInterface>, I can just create a new List<ImplInterface> (data)
where data is IEnumerable<Interface>.
How can I convert the List<ImplInterface> to IEnumerable<Interface>?
If I understand the question correctly, you have a class ImplInterface that
implements Interface. It's actually unclear to me how you would be able to
convert a generic IEnumerable<Interface> to a List<ImplInterface>: the
Interface elements in the enumerable don't need to be of type ImplInterface.
Is ImplInterface a wrapper type?
The other way around is more obvious, type-wise. If you have C# 3.0 and .NET
3.5, it's as easy as
If you don't, you can write this method yourself:
static class EnumerableConversion {
static IEnumerable<T> Cast<T, U>(IEnumerable<U> source) where U : T {
foreach (U u in source) yield return (T) u;
And call it like so:
EnumerableConversion.Cast<Interface, ImplInterface>(aListImplInterface)
Not half as snappy, obviously.