Suppose i have some data across 2 columns starting A2 and B2. Owner of car,
and Car Model respectively.
Column A may contain repeated entries (Owner can have more than 1 car of
different companies AND can also have 2 same cars. ) B also contains
repeated entries.
abc ford
def ford
xyz nissan
xyz suzuki
efg honda
abc toyota
I want to enter in C1 name of the owner and get list of cars he has across
C2:C5000. Same in D1, name of car and get list of owners across D2
Suppose i have some data across 2 columns starting A2 and B2. Owner of car,
and Car Model respectively.
Column A may contain repeated entries (Owner can have more than 1 car of
different companies AND can also have 2 same cars. ) B also contains
repeated entries.
abc ford
def ford
xyz nissan
xyz suzuki
efg honda
abc toyota
I want to enter in C1 name of the owner and get list of cars he has across
C2:C5000. Same in D1, name of car and get list of owners across D2